Know Someone Blocked iMessage
Know Someone Blocked iMessage

Detecting if someone has blocked you on iMessage can be a baffling experience. When communication abruptly ceases without explanation, suspicions naturally arise, prompting the search for subtle cues.

This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the various methods to know if someone has blocked you on iMessage, demystifying the enigma surrounding blocked contacts.

also read: 10 Best Methods to Fix “iMessage Not Delivered” Issues on iPhone and iPad

8 Best Effective Ways to Know if Someone Blocked You on iMessage

iMessage is the primary focused application, So there isn’t a notification when someone blocks you. But there are signs which help you know for sure. Let’s understand some of the important indicators below:

1 Check the Chat Bubble Colour

A fundamental yet reliable technique involves scrutinising the colour of the chat bubbles. Typically, iMessages exchanged between iPhone users manifest as blue bubbles, indicating seamless communication within the Apple ecosystem.

However, a sudden transition to green bubbles could raise suspicions, especially if prior conversations consistently displayed as blue.

This colour shift often signifies communication with non-iPhone users or, in this context, potential blocking. While not foolproof, this visual cue serves as an initial indicator warranting further investigation.

  • Typically, Blue bubbles denote iMessage sent to iPhone users via the message app for iOS and Mac.
  • Read receipts in iMessage settings can reveal the delivery status beneath blue bubbles.
  • Green bubbles may suggest blocking, specially if prior chats were in blue.

2. Check the Read Receipts

Another pivotal aspect to consider is the presence or absence of read receipts. In iMessage, a “delivered” notification confirms that your message has reached the recipient’s device.

However, the elusive “read” notification, indicating that the recipient has actually viewed your message, can provide valuable insight.

If read receipts mysteriously vanish and your messages remain unanswered, it suggests a plausible scenario: you’ve been blocked. While read receipts can be disabled voluntarily by users, their sudden disappearance amidst unanswered messages raises valid suspicions of blocking.

  • iPhone users receive a “Delivered” notification when other users have received the message, If that doesn’t come it means they must have blocked you.
  • Absence of “Read Receipts” notification when messaging an Android user may indicate blocking.

3. Look for the Moon Icon and Automated Messages

Delving deeper into the iMessage interface, observing the presence of the moon icon unveils additional clues. This icon symbolises Focus or Do Not Disturb mode, signalling temporary cessation of notifications.

If your messages persistently go unanswered, accompanied by notifications indicating silenced notifications or the activation of Focus mode, it reinforces the likelihood of a block.

Furthermore, automated messages indicating the recipient’s unavailability, despite repeated attempts to initiate communication, serve as compelling evidence of a potential block.

  • Focus or Do Not Disturb modes can temporarily silence notifications.
  • Unanswered messages coupled with notifications indicating silenced notifications or focus mode activation may indicate blocking.

4. Check Your Social Apps

Cross-referencing your blocked status on iMessage with other social media platforms can yield corroborative evidence. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, and WhatsApp offer distinct indicators of blocked contacts.

Disappearing profiles, inability to send messages, and exclusion from friends’ lists are common manifestations of blocking across these platforms.

By assessing your status on multiple platforms, you can ascertain the consistency of behaviour exhibited by the suspected blocker, further reinforcing your suspicions.

  • Verify your status on social media platforms for collaborative evidence.
  • Disappearing profiles or inactivity may indicate blocking across the social media platforms.


  • Blocked profiles result in inaccessible profiles or posts.
  • Attempt to view their profiles URLs results a sorry page saying “ Sorry this page isn’t available “

Facebook Messenger:

  • Sending a message prompts indication of inability to reply confirms blocking.


  • Blocked profiles disappear from search results.
  • Your previous chats get erased.


  • Blocked profiles comes with “No profile Picture”
  • Getting an error while adding a blocked profile to a WhatsApp group.

5. Call the Number You’re Texting

Direct communication via phone calls presents another avenue for investigation. Placing a call to the suspected blocker’s number allows you to gauge their responsiveness.

If calls consistently go unanswered, or if they divert to voicemail after a single ring, it suggests a deliberate avoidance of communication. While not definitive proof of blocking, this pattern of behaviour aligns with typical blocking scenarios, warranting further scrutiny.

6. FaceTime the Person

Utilising Apple’s FaceTime feature provides an additional layer of confirmation. Attempting to initiate a FaceTime call with the suspected blocker allows you to assess their availability firsthand.

If you receive a message indicating that the person cannot be reached or that the call cannot be completed, it strengthens the case for a potential block.

However, it’s essential to exercise discretion and avoid excessive attempts at communication to prevent any perception of harassment.

7. Turn Off Your Caller ID

Exploring alternative methods to bypass potential blocking mechanisms can offer valuable insights. Disabling your caller ID, thus concealing your identity, allows you to assess the recipient’s responsiveness without the bias of a blocked contact.

If your call connects successfully under these conditions, it indicates that the recipient may be intentionally screening calls from known contacts, a behaviour consistent with blocking.

8. Attempt to Call from a Different Number

In dire circumstances where clarity is paramount, reaching out from a different number presents a viable solution. Utilising a friend’s phone or a temporary burner number enables you to gauge the recipient’s responsiveness without the baggage of a blocked contact.

However, it’s crucial to approach this method with sensitivity and avoid any semblance of harassment or intrusion into the recipient’s privacy.

Knowing When to Walk Away

In situations where all attempts at communication prove futile, it’s imperative to recognize when to gracefully step back. Respecting the recipient’s boundaries and acknowledging the possibility of differing priorities or circumstances is paramount.

Pursuing closure through polite messages or intermediaries can facilitate a resolution while preserving mutual respect and emotional well-being.

Wind Up

Navigating the intricate dynamics if someone has blocked you on iMessage requires patience, discernment, and tact.

By meticulously examining various indicators, such as chat bubble colours, read receipts, and social media behaviours, you can piece together a comprehensive understanding of your blocked status.

Furthermore, exercising empathy and knowing when to gracefully disengage ensures that communication breakdowns are navigated with dignity and respect, fostering healthier interpersonal dynamics in the digital realm.



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