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Instagram is a great way to connect with others and share highlights from your life. It is not exactly privacy-friendly, but that is something we have come to accept, for better or for worse. Stalking is a whole different matter, however. How do you check if someone is stalking you on Instagram? What are some red flags to look out for and what steps can you take to protect yourself? let’s figure it out.

also read: How to Stop Instagram Tracking Your Online Activity: All You Need To Know

How to Check if Someone is Stalking on Instagram

Do you have any reason to think that you are being cyberstalked through Instagram? If the answer is “yes,” you’re probably wondering how to tell if someone is spying on you. Here’s what you should pay attention to.

1. Review Your Privacy Settings

If you suspect someone is stalking you on Instagram, the first thing you should do is review your privacy settings.

Tap the three bars in the lower left corner, and navigate to Settings > Who can see your content. Here you can check whether your account is set to “private” or not.

If it’s not, set your Instagram account to private so that you can approve all new follow-up requests.

It also means only the people you approved can view your posts, likes, and stories. If your account is public, anyone can view it, leave comments, like your content, and so on.

2. Check Who Is Viewing Your Instagram Stories

Do you post a lot of Instagram stories? If yes, that might help you determine whether you are being stalked.

There’s an easy way to check Instagram story views: all you need to do is swipe up, and you’ll see the usernames of people who viewed it.

If someone you don’t know really well or don’t know at all, is viewing all the stories you post, it could be a sign they have an interest in your Instagram activity for some nefarious reason.

3. Go Through Your List of Followers

This may seem obvious, but if you suspect something is wrong, it would be a good idea to comb through your list of followers.

Even if your profile is set to private, there’s always a possibility you approved a follow request from someone you don’t know.

In fact, if someone is stalking you, they might have set up a fake account for that very purpose. In particular, you should pay attention to vague and innocuous-sounding usernames that you don’t recognize.

Wind Up

If you believe and have checked if someone is stalking you on Instagram, it’s crucial to take action.

Depending on the situation, report the user to Instagram, block or restrict them, and set your profile to private if it isn’t already.

If the cyberstalker is someone you know and poses a real-life threat, document the evidence and consider reporting it to the authorities.

Cyberstalking is a serious issue, and it’s important to address it before it escalates. Be vigilant about your online safety and protect your privacy while using Instagram. Remember, your safety should always be a top priority.


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